Etiquette & Protocol 














   Japanese Body Language   

Much communication with Japanese is
non-verbal.   Be sensitive to the messages  you are sending out through your body language.

The Japanese do not use extremely aggressive or assertive gestures. Use caution when making presentations or during conversations.

Some Common Gestures
A negative response is indicated by fanning the right hand in front of the face, as if brushing away a fly
Nodding is very common which indicates you are listening but it doesn't mean you understand what is being said.
To indicate oneself, the Japanese point to their nose.
The sign for money is the "okay" sign in the U.S.
A man can be symbolized by our "thumbs up" sign. However, use caution-this can refer to a woman's lover, a father, or the president of the company.
Eating is demonstrated by holding an imaginary bowl in the left hand and making a motion with the right as if shoveling rice into the mouth with chopsticks.
Let's go drinking can be signaled by lifting an imaginary sake cup with the index finger and thumb.
Calling or beckoning someone to you is done European-style, with the palm facing downward.
Excuse me, used when walking between or in front of someone is indicated by a moving hand repeatedly in front of the face.
Embarrassment, shyness or modesty is shown by women by covering the mouth. Women also cover the mouth with the hand when laughing.
Indicating someone is crazy is done with the fist next to your head, level with the ear, and then releasing the fist suddenly.

Sitting & Standing
When speaking with someone, do not leave hands in pockets.
Do not stand with legs crossed over the other.
Do not lean against a wall or door.
Do not sit with the ankle over the knee. 
May sit with legs Crossed at the ankles or knees.
Do not stick legs out in front of you - chair or tatami.
Do not sit in a way that shows the soles of your shoes.
Sit on the edge of a chair or sofa to show respect. 
Leaning back in a chair shows familiarity.
When sitting on tatami, first start out sitting on your legs and then shift into a less formal position. Women may tuck their legs to one side, but not sit cross-legged (acceptable for men).

Distance & Touching
The Japanese like more space between themselves than others. Bowing too close to each other could be dangerous!
Touching is also taboo in Japan. The American pat on the back or arm around the shoulder is to be avoided. 
Rarely is kissing accepted as a greeting. Some Japanese with extensive European experience will be familiar with this form of greeting.
Bowing is the common greeting in Japan, however, the handshake is becoming more popular, particularly among those who work with international guests and clients and among young people.

When is a smile not a smile? The Japanese smile to communicate various emotions: anger, embarrassment, sadness, and disappointment. Interpretation depends on context.
Eye contact is thought of as rude in Japan. They will often look down at their shoes or off in the air. Take care to not stare.
Silence in Japan is golden and is often used as a negotiating strategy. Do not be tempted to jump in and fill the silence.

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